
Most of our instruments carry out their action and convey the information through the grounding line of the electrical system; a network that can be assimilated to a receiving and issuing antenna connected to the electrical potential of ground.

After the AETERES instruments’s installation, house becomes the center of a resonant circuit of biocompatible and harmonized cosmo-telluric energy.

Our tools are made in full compliance with high quality standards and absolute functional reliability both electrical and mechanical aned are designed and manufactured in Italy with materials and components of absolute reliability and technological innovation.

Phi-Phiwater™: inside out

How it’s made

How does it work

How to use it

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PHI Technology

The three fondamental steps: filtration, ionization, energization. In a single word: Phiwater. We have simply chosen to offer the highest quality available today.



  • PHI / PHIwater

    PHI / PHIwater

    Personal Harmonizing Instrument
  • Orpheus EV

    Orpheus EV

    Mains filter for the condensation of the electromagnetic non bio-compatible constituens
  • Orpheus 2K


    Device that operates on the condensation of the electromagnetic
  • SX EV

    SX EV

    Mains power distributor to help condense the non-biocompatible high-frequency electromagnetic components.
  • Clearlux


    Specific instrument for solvency and condensation of not biocompatible electromagnetic components
  • Domus


    Specific instrument for the condensation of telluric interferences
  • TAU


    Toroidal Amplifying Unit
  • Sinapsi Keystones EV

    Sinapsi Keystones EV

    Building Blocks of Armony


    The laying of the "Vault Stone" and the fifth Element Harmony
  • MagneticPHI / MagneticPHIWATER

    MagneticPHI / MagneticPHIWATER

    Magnetic Personal Harmonizing Instrument
  • MiniBlack EV

    MiniBlack EV

    Mains filter for the condensation of the non-biocompatible electromagnetic component
  • MiniBlack Phiwater

    MiniBlack Phiwater

    Instrumental integration for drinking water treatment devices: filtration and condensation of electromagnetic disturbances, information and energy harmonization.
  • Ojas® EcoBionizer AERSwiss Pro Blue

    Ojas® EcoBionizer AERSwiss Pro Blue

    Swiss-made, 4-step air treatment system
  • Ojas® EcoBionizer AERSwiss Pro Gold

    Ojas® EcoBionizer AERSwiss Pro Gold

    Swiss-made, 4-step air treatment system
  • e-Spira


    To "clean" electricity effectively at the local level
  • DBS


    Digital Balance Set
  • Regenera


    Environmental Reset
  • Max Phi

    Max Phi

    Ionized alkaline water energized with MAX PHIWATER™ technology, the natural antioxidant
  • Phaser


  • Books


    Our books

Our Partners

Nessuna informazione divulgata e contenuta nel nostro sito può essere utilizzata nella diagnosi, nella cura, nella diminuzione o nel trattamento della malattia. La tecnologia AEtere’s™ utilizzata e promossa da professionisti ha lo scopo di migliorare e favorire le condizioni di benessere dell’habitat e, conseguentemente, dei suoi abitanti e non intende sostituirsi alla medicina convenzionale. L’AEtere’s™ grazie al proprio team ed agli specialisti e ai professionisti che vi collaborano in stretta sinergia, ha raccolto dati e riscontri significativi a sostegno dei risultati delle proprie attività. I concetti su cui si basa la tecnologia AEtere’s™ appartengono al campo dell’energia sottile e vibrazionale e quindi le applicazioni riguardano esclusivamente il corpo energetico sottile dell’uomo e l’interazione con l’ambiente.