The Digital Balance Set is an indispensable tool to achieve both the proper Environmental Biocompatibility and Ri-harmonization and the consequent AEtere’s instruments installation.
The DBS set is made of three separate Electro-Tester modules, each with its own distinct digital informations: RIGENERA, GENESI and MUNDUS.
Warning: any instrument part of the DBS set generates in the ethereal environmental flux a sudden and powerfull rising of the coherence orders, but in the absence of ma- tching harmonizing informations. This fundamental trait makes ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMENDED the prolonged exposition to such informations. It determines that the use of DBS can only take place by operators with sufficient training (BRA).
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Write Us!The RIGENERA employes the electric network to deliver environmental reset informations. The in- formations within this module, brings to a minimum the consequent vibrational noise, the backgound noise due to the cahotic interference of any geological, artificial, or context-specific disturbance. The standard Environmental Biocompatibility and Ri-harmonization protocol demands delivering of the RIGENERA digital informations.
The GENESI module represents a real starter. After the completition of the AEtere’s instruments installation, it is possible to proceed with the “firing” of the ethereal resonance setup.
The MUNDUS goes into action consequently to the environmental feedback, right after the AEtere’s in- struments installation and in the context of the Overspace/RarePlace protocol. In these cases, one of the confirming parameters of the correct imple- mentation of the Environmental Biocompatibility and Ri-harmonization principles is the surfacing of a neutral resonance and etheral radiating center: what the tradition calls the Mundus. If and when, the quality and the intensity of such energizing entity would not be enough, it can be reinforced with the delivering of the digital informations contained within the MUNDUS.